Julius Wess Award 2010

On December 14th, 2010, KCETA celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Research and Education on Theoretical and Experimanetal Nuclear and Particle Physics in Karlsruhe (Programme). On this occasion, the Julius Wess Award 2010 was dedicated to Professor Dr. Valery
Rubakov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Press Release).
Presentation of Prof. V.A. Rubakov: Towards understanding the origin of inhomogeneities in the Universe (pdf)
Further presentations on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Nuclear and Particle Physics at Karlsruhe:
- Von den Atomkernen zum Mikro- und Makrokosmos - aus den Ruinen zum KIT-CETA (pptx) by Prof. Dr. Herwig Schopper, CERN
- Neutrinos in the Cosmos and in the Laboratory (pptx) by Prof. Dr. Steen Hannestad, Aarhus University
- Electroweak Precision Physics - from LEP to LHC and ILC (pdf) by Prof. Dr. Wofgang Hollik, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
- LHC - A new Era in Particle Physics (ppt) by Prof. Dr. Joachim Mnich, DESY