Julius Wess Award 2023 to Prof. Dr. Belén Gavela

The Julius Wess Award 2023 of the KIT Center Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has been presented on February 9, 2024 to Prof. Dr. Belén Gavela (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM)) in recognition of her significant contributions in the field of theoretical and phenomenological particle physics, with particular emphasis on CP violation and flavor physics in quarks and leptons, on the study of neutrino oscillations and on effective field theories related to electroweak symmetry breaking.
At the award ceremony in the NTI lecture hall on KIT's Campus South, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth (Vice President Transfer and International Affairs, KIT) welcomed the audience and later in the evening also presented the Julius Wess Award to Belén Gavela.
An introduction to the KIT Centre Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) was given by the scientific spokesperson of KCETA Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller (KIT).
The keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Pilar Hernández (University of Valencia) was entitled: "Taming asymmetries of nature: The imprint of the matter-antimatter imbalance in neutrino physics".
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT) gave the laudatory speech for Belén Gavela.
Finally, the awardee Prof. Dr. Belén Gavela (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) gave a lecture on "The QCD axion sum rule".