Teilchenphysik und Kunst

Science&Art@School Karlsruhe: Visit to CERN 2024

The visit to the CMS experiment was the highlight of the trip for the students

May 2024
As part of the Science&Art@School Karlsruhe project, numerous high-school students from Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium Stutensee and Dominikus-Gymnasium Karlsruhe were given the unique opportunity to spend three days at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics near Geneva, where they visited the CMS experiment, the CERN Control Center (CCC) and the Antimatter Factory (AD), among other things, and thus gained a fascinating insight into the world of basic research.

One of the accompanying teachers summarized the visit: "The visit to CERN was a fascinating experience for the students. I was impressed by how detailed and technically differentiated they told their classmates about their insights into the world of particle accelerators in the lesson after their return. Excursions like this offer the young people completely different access than is possible in school lessons."

This excursion was organized by KIT and generously supported by KCETA.

You can find a detailed report here (German).


October 2019 – Cosmic Revelation in the Oppenauer 'Schlössle'

cosmic revelation

In October 2019 the move of the imachination labs into the new premises in the 'Villa Baron von Oppenau' was celebrated. Cosmic Revelation transforms the two towers into flickering light sculptures in the evening hours in order to carry the studio's work to the outside. In this cooperation with astroparticle physicists of KIT, the entry of the invisible cosmic rays is measured live on site and converted into light. The installation can currently be seen on weekends in the evening hours.

More information on imachination.net

Report on baden online

May 31, 2019 – "Cosmic Mirror"

Tim Otto Roth in Collaboration with KCETA in the Art Exhibition "From the Rocket to the Moon"
Cosmic Mirror imachination projects
© imachination projects

On the occasion of this year’s 50th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing, Parrotta Contemporary Art shows the exhibition "From the Rocket to the Moon" in Cologne and Bonn. The works shown reveal various aspects and associations that illuminate the themes of "rocket", "moon", and "space". A broad visual spectrum is opened up, covering the entire universe – from the tiniest elementary particle to the unfathomably large galaxy.

The lightning and sound sculpture by Tim Otto Roth "Cosmic Mirror" (2008/2019) , which was realized in collaboration with KCETA, provides a concrete physical reference to the universe. The energies of the cosmic rays, which constantly strike our planet from outer space, brightly discharge once or twice a second and become visible and audible.

See our video impressions:

Gallery Cologne 31.5. – 27.7.2019
Opening: Friday Mai 31, 2019, 6 – 9 pm

Gallery Burg Lede Bonn 1.6. – 27.7.2019
Opening and Summer Party: Saturday June 1, 2019, 4 pm – Midnight


Parrotta Contemporary Art
imachination projects

17.9. - 9.10.2016 – "Cosmic Revelation": kosmische Strahlung als Licht-Kunstobjekt

Cosmic Revelation (© imachination projects)

Cosmic revelation is presented in the context of the light art festival "Aufstiege" from 17 September until 09 October 2016 at the SV SparkassenVersicherung headquarter in Stuttgart.

The four stairwells that form the four corners of the SV SparkassenVersicherung headquarters in Stuttgart are lit up in red. Now and then there is a flash of white light. On the roof a bright narrow light beam reaches up to the sky, pointing out that this illumination comes from the earth's atmosphere. Sixteen highly sensitive detectors designed by scientists of KCETA are measuring cosmic radiation in real time. When it penetrates the earth's atmosphere it leaves behind a cascade of invisible particles, which become visible as flashes of light in the stairwells.

The project is both an experiment and a piece of light art. It has arisen from a collaboration between Tim Otto Roth, an artist from the Black Forest region, and astroparticle-physicists at KCETA.

Cosmic Revelation makes this hidden exposition to those cosmic energies not only visible, but above all it is translated into a spatial and bodily experience.

More Information

The four illuminated stairwells and the skybeamer at the SparkassenVersicherung building in Stuttgart.
(© imachination projects)

July 11, 2015 – Art@CMS: Exhibition „Art of Science – Beauty in Creation“ am KIT

f.l.t.r.: Chris Henschke, Dr. Michael Hoch, Lindsay Olson, Dr. Irmgard Langbein, Bree Corn, Bürgermeister Wolfram Jäger, Prof. Johannes Blümer, Prof. Thomas Müller © KIT, Göttisheim
© Michael Hoch

On Friday, 26.6.2015 the exhibition "Art of Science - Beauty in Creation" was opened with a vernissage. After greetings by Prof. Johannes Blümer, Mayor Wolfram Jäger and Prof. Thomas Müller, Dr. Michael Hoch gave an introduction to the exhibition and the art project "art@CMS", of which he is the initiator. Michael Hoch, physicist at CERN and photo artist, wants to initiate a sustainable dialogue between scientists in particle physics, the art world and educational initiatives.

In his own works, Michael Hoch portrays the CMS detector from an artistic perspective with the help of alienated photographs and collages. Besides him, three other artists had travelled to the exhibition and presented their works to the visitors of the vernissage in short lectures: Lindsay Olsen (USA), who uses materials to artistically process the standard model of particle physics; the photographer Bree Corn (Austria), who portrays scientists and captures their scientific statements and dynamics in photographic art; and finally Chris Henschke (Australia), who combines art and science with the help of experimental combinations of digital media.

The exhibition was on display in the foyer of the CFN building (30.25) on Campus South until July 11.

"Art@CMS – a novel way to achieve a sustainable inspiration in public for science"

Michael Hoch

On November 12, 2014 scientist, photographer and artist Michael Hoch (CERN) gave a talk on "Art@CMS – a novel way to achieve a sustainable inspiration in public for science".

Michael Hoch was born in Vienna, Austria, where he studied Sports and Physics at the University of Technology and the University of Vienna. During his studies and work as trainer he was concentrating his photographic art work on human movements and architecture. Later coming to Geneva to make his PhD at CERN he started to work on his long-term project, "Where Science Meets Art".