Elementary particle physics at highest energy and precision

The research training group has been established to educate PhD students in the field of experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics at highest energies (LHC) and precision (KATRIN, Belle). It is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and succeeds the research training group “High-energy Physics and Particle Astrophysics” that ended in late 2010. The present research training group focuses on terrestrial elementary particle physics.
Research Profile
The research profile of this research training group considers the latest developments in experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics, in which the groups from Karlsruhe are involved.
Experimental Research
Experimental research includes
- the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) performed since March 2010 to study highest energies,
- the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN), and
- precision experiments at Belle, Tsukuba, Japan.
New ground will be entered in terms of energy and precision: At LHC, we are looking for new particles, such as the Higgs boson and potential supersymmetric particles. At Belle, rare B-decays can be studied. The KATRIN experiment is aimed at the absolute determination of the neutrino mass. Other important aspects of our work are the development of improved analysis methods and detectors in LHC and flavor physics.
Theoretical Research
Theoretical research at KIT focuses on new methods for the calculation of higher orders of perturbation theory and their application for the precise prediction of observables in the standard model and its extensions. In addition, scattering processes are studied theoretically at the LHC. The scope of work extends from improved predictions in Higgs physics to calculations for the search for new particles based on e.g. supersymmetric theories and studies for the unification of all forces.
Promotion of Young Scientists
This program offers unique opportunities for the education and promotion of young scientists based on our interdisciplinary character, exchange between theory and experiment, and interaction between application-oriented and fundamental research. Internationality results from participation in international collaborations, an EU network, and an international guest scientists program.
A structured and regularly offered teaching program familiarizes PhD students with current research topics, such that they can perform their work under optimum framework conditions. Within the research training group, scientific problems are studied in international cooperation.