Dr. Max Zoller
- Group: TTP
- Room: 12-15
- max zoller ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. J. Kühn, Dr. K. Chetyrkin
Korreferent: Prof. Dr. M. Steinhauser
Mentor: Prof. Dr. D. Zeppenfeld
Titel | Quelle |
Arbeitsbericht 2013 |
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Arbeitsbericht 2012 | |
Arbeitsbericht 2011 |
Titel | Quelle | Datum |
Beta-function for the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model at three-loop level | arXiv: 1311.5085 | 20 Nov 2013 |
*ARTIKEL* | ||
beta-function for the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model at three-loop level |
arxiv: 1303.2890 |
13.03.2013 |
Vacuum stability in the SM and the three-loop \beta-function for the Higgs self-interaction |
arXiv:1209.5609 |
25 Sep 2012 |
OPE of the energy-momentum tensor correlator in massless QCD |
arXiv:1209.1516 |
7 Sep 2012 |
Three-loop beta-functions for top-Yukawa and the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model |
arXiv:1205.2892 JHEP 1206: (2012) 033 |
13 May 2012 |