Dr. Hannes Mildner
- Group: EKP
- Room: 418 Geb. 401, KIT CN
- Phone: 24173
- hannes mildner ∂does-not-exist.cern ch
Betreuer der Doktorarbeit: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann
Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Günter Quast
- Subject:Measurements of the top-Higgs coupling with the CMS experiment
- Date:25.11.2016
- Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann
Title | Name | Author | Speaker |
Approval of CMS-PAS-HIG-16-004 | Moriond Approval Talk (CMS internal) |
First Run II SM Higgs results from ATLAS and CMS | SM@LHC |
ttH at CMS | 9th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance |
Search for ttH in the semi-leptonic decay channel | FSP CMS Workshop |
Measuring the top-Higgs coupling | GRK Workshop |
Messung der Top-Higgs-Kopplung in assoziierter Produktion | DPG Tagung |
*TAGUNG* | 8th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance, Hamburg, 2014 |
Assozierte Produktion von Top-Quarks undHiggs-Boson mit hohem Transversalimpuls bei CMS | 46. Herbstschule Maria Laach |
Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in t t-bar production | FSP CMS workshop Uni Hamburg |
Measuring a pseudoscalar ttH coupling in associated production | DPG 2014 |