Dr. Artur Gottmann
- Promotionsthema: Global Interpretation of Tau-Tau Events in the Context of the Standard Model and Beyond
- Gruppe: ETP
- Raum:
CN 449 - artur gottmann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Forschungsthema:Studies on the Determination of the CP-Symmetry of the Coupling of the Higgs-Boson to Tau-Leptons
- Typ:Bachelorarbeit
- Datum:Februar 2014 - September 2014
- Betreuung:
Prof. Dr. Günter Quast,
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Roger Wolf
- Links:Volltext [PDF]
- Forschungsthema:Embedding - a Data Driven Method of the Z to Tau-Tau Background in the Higgs to Tau-Tau Searches
- Typ:Masterarbeit
- Datum:November 2015 - November 2016
- Betreuung:
Prof. Dr. Günter Quast,
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Roger Wolf
- Links:Volltext [PDF]
Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades
- Forschungsthema:Global Interpretation of Tau-Tau Events in the Context of the Standard Model and Beyond
- Typ:Dissertation
- Datum:Tag der Verteidigung: 12. Juni 2020
- Betreuung:
Prof. Dr. Günter Quast,
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Roger Wolf
- Links:Volltext [PDF]
Titel | Autoren | Journal/Berichtnummer | Erscheinungsjahr |
Search for Additional Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons in the Tau-Tau Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV | CMS Collaboration |
JHEP 09 (2018) 007 |
2018 |
An Embedding Technique to Determine Tau-Tau Backgrounds in Proton-Proton Collision Data | CMS Collaboration |
JINST 14 (2019), no. 06, P06032 |
2019 |
Performance of the bwHPC Cluster in the Production of Mu->Tau Embedded Events used for the Prediction of Background for Higgs->Tau-Tau Analyses | Bechtel J., Brommer S., Gottmann A., Quast G., Wolf R. |
Proceedings of the 5th bwHPC Symposium |
2019 |
Measurement of Higgs Boson Production and Decay to the Tau-Tau Final State | CMS Collaboration |
CMS-PAS-HIG-18-032 |
2019 |
Titel | Tagung | Tagungsort | Autoren | Datum |
ATLAS/CMS: Higgs to Tau-Tau (SM and MSSM) | SM at the LHC |
Berlin |
Artur Gottmann |
10. - 13.04.2018 |
Constraining MSSM Higgs Sector with LHC Data | Higgs Days 2018 (on invitation) |
Santander |
Artur Gottmann |
10. - 14.09.2018 |
Regression of the Neutrino Momenta for the Reconstruction of a Boson Decaying into two Tau Leptons | CMS Week |
Budapest |
Artur Gottmann, Raphael Friese, Roger Wolf, Günter Quast |
30.09 - 05.10.2018 |
Titel | Tagung | Tagungsort | Autoren | Datum |
Status on MSSM H to Tau-Tau | FSP CMS Workshop 2017 |
Aachen |
Artur Gottmann |
04. - 06.10.2017 |
NLO Reweighting Method for Simulated Processes of Gluon Fusion Higgs Boson Production | DPG 2018 |
Würzburg |
Artur Gottmann, Josry Metwally, Andrew Gilbert, René Caspart, Roger Wolf, Günter Quast |
19. - 23.03.2018 |
Higgs to Tau-Tau: Interpretation of SM Categories in MSSM Context | GK Workshop 2019 |
Pforzheim-Hohenwart |
Artur Gottmann |
25. - 27.09.2019 |
Global MSSM Interpretation of Di-Tau Events | D-CMS Workshop 2019 |
Karlsruhe |
Artur Gottmann |
11. - 13.09.2019 |
Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Meta-Monitoring Frameworks HappyFace | DPG 2017 |
Münster |
Artur Gottmann, Sebastian Brommer, Manuel Giffels, Georg Sieber, Günter Quast |
27. - 31.03.2017 |