GRK 1694: Elementarteilchenphysik bei höchster Energie und höchster Präzision

Vortragsfolien Pforzheim-Hohenwart 2019


Prof. Dr. Tao Han (Universiy of Pittsburgh): BSM physics 1

                                                              BSM physics 2

                                                              BSM physics 3

                                                              BSM physics 4

Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller (KIT): Particle accelerators for tomorrow… and the day after

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT): Neutrino physics 1

                                                            Neutrino physics 2

                                                            Neutrino physics 3

Prof. Dr. Heinz Kalt (KIT): Publication and Dissertation: How to avoid scientific malpractice



Vorträge der Kollegiaten

1. Artur Gottmann (ETP): Higgs -> TauTau: interpretation of SM categories in MSSM context

2. Florian Herren (TTP): Real-virtual corrections to Higgs boson pairproduction at NNLO

3. Philip Keicher (ETP): Measurement of the ttH, H->bb process at the CMS experiment

4. Matthias Linster (TTP): Feasibility of New Physics Searches in Tritium Molecular Spectra

5. Daniela Schäfer (ETP): A multidimensional search for heavy resonances decaying to boosted vector boson pairs in the dijet final state

6. David Seith (ETP): Single-top t-channel at CMS

7. Michael Waßmer (ETP): Seach for monotop signatures at CMS

8. Sebastian Wozniewski (ETP): Uncertainty modeling and low statistics features