GRK 1694: Elementarteilchenphysik bei höchster Energie und höchster Präzision

Seminare und Kolloquien



Vorträge im GRK - Seminare und Kolloquien


08.06.2017: Nelson Christensen: Gravitational Waves: Past, Present and Future

22.06.2017: Antonio Boveia: Where is Dark Matter at the LHC? 1

                                          Where is Dark Matter at the LHC? 2

29.06.2017: Jeffrey Richman: Searching for Supersymmetry at the LHC 1

                                            Searching for Supersymmetry at the LHC 2

06.07.2017: Mrinal Dasgupta: Theoretical aspects of jet substructure

14.12.2017: Iris Gebauer: What's up with Galactic Cosmic Rays?

25.01.2018: Jens Osterhoff: Plasma-Based Accelerators

21.06.2018: Chris Neu: Top Physics at the LHC

28.06.2018: Matthias Smith: Muon g-2: Implementation and Status

06.12.2018: Christopher Palmer: Observation  of  the  Higgs  boson  decaying  to bottom  quarks  in  CMS

23.05.2019: Roger Wolf: From the analysis of the observed Higgs coupling structure to the search for more Higgs bosons -- Higgs boson analyses at the LHC in the di-tau final state

Datum Name Affiliation Titel
29.10.2015 Alexander Mitov Cambridge U Top Physics
05.11.2015 Wilfried Buchmueller DESY Some expectations for physics beyond the Standard Model
12.11.2015 Gabor Veres CERN Two-particle correlations in hadron collisions
19.11.2015 Freya Blekman VU Brussel Physics with boosted top quarks
26.11.2015 Josef Pradler HEPHY Wien Dark Matter, cosmology and particle physics
03.12.2015 Gionata Luisoni CERN Higgs boson production in association with jets
10.12.2015 Sebastian Neubert U Heidelberg Spectroscopy of Exotic Hadrons
17.12.2015 Michael Spannowsky Durham U Interpreting Higgs data at the LHC
07.01.2016 Orso Maria Iorio INFN Napoli Dark matter in association with top quarks
14.01.2016 Veronica Sanz U of Sussex Higgs Physics at the Run2 LHC
21.01.2016 Martin Beneke  TU München Relic density of TeV scale WIMPs and the electroweak Sommerfeld effect
28.01.2016 Mikko Laine U Bern Thermal particle production in cosmology and quark-gluon plasma
04.02.2016 Alexei Smirnov MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg Oscillations, no-oscillations and neutrino mass
11.02.2016 Michael Kobel TU Dresden Effective outreach for particle physics
21.04.2016 Gavin Salam CERN LHC Physics at 1% precision?
28.04.2016 Wolfgang Kilian U Siegen Beyond the Higgs
12.05.2016 Simon Plätzer Durham U Status and Prospects of Parton Shower Event Generators
19.05.2016 Andre Tinoco Mendes CERN Zwischen Baum und Borke - der (Higgs-) Präzisionsausweg
02.06.2016 Niklaus Berger U Mainz Precision physics with muon
09.06.2016 Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia SUNY Stony Brook Phenomenology with Massive Neutrinos
16.06.2016 Albert De Roeck CERN Beyond the Standard Model: Results from the LHC at 13 TeV
23.06.2016 Sébastien Descotes-Genon Université Paris-Sud Probing New Physics through semileptonic B-decays
07.07.2016 Aude Gehrmann De-Ridder ETH Zürich NNLO calculations for the LHC
14.07.2016 Alexander Glazov DESY Towards measurement of the W-boson mass at the LHC
21.07.2016 Sven Moch U Hamburg Precise parton distributions and the strong coupling constant
20.10.2016 Luca di Luzio INFN Genova Looking through the axion window
27.10.2016 Torsten Bringmann U Oslo Self-interacting dark matter from new long- range forces
17.11.2016 Eric Laenen Nikhef Resummation in QCD: what, why and how?
01.12.2016 Jörg Jäckel U Heidelberg WISPy Cold Dark Matter
08.12.2016 Laura Covi U Göttingen The quest for particle Dark Matter
15.12.2016 Riccardo Rattazzi EPF Lausanne TeV Stories: The Natural and the Possible
12.01.2017 Jan Kieseler CERN Results from Top Mass Measurements
19.01.2017 Simon Wehle DESY Status and latest results from B factories
26.01.2017 Georg Weiglein DESY Higgs physics: where are we and what next?
02.02.2017 Jure Zupan U of Cincinatti Chiral Effective Theory of Dark Matter Direct Detection
09.02.2017 Paolo Nason U Milano-Bicocca How bright is the proton? A data driven determination of the photon content of the proton
13.03.2017 Arkady Vainshtein U of Minnesota Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation and CP Violation
27.04.2017 Christophe Grojean DESY Could the Higgs be composite?
04.05.2017 Riccardo Barbieri U Pisa The paradox of the Standard Model: BSM as of 2017
11.05.2017 Andre Schöning U Heidelberg Probing the Peta-eV scale with lepton flavor violation - A new era of search experiments
18.05.2017 Joachim Kopp U Mainz The Hunt for Sterile Neutrinos
08.06.2017 Nelson Christensen Artemis Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Gravitational Waves: Past, Present and Future
22.06.2017 Antonio Boveia Ohio State U Where is Dark Matter at the LHC?
29.06.2017 Jeffrey Richman UC Santa Barbara Searching for Supersymmetry at the LHC
06.07.2017 Mrinal Dasgupta U of Manchester Theoretical aspects of jet substructure
13.07.2017 Frank Meier Aeschbacher U Heidelberg Detecting low energy electrons with a pixel tracker? - Yes: Mu3e
20.07.2017 Javier Virto U Bern Flavor Anomalies in B Physics: Are we on the verge of discovery?
27.07.2017 Martin Gorbahn U of Liverpool Higgs Effective Theories and the Trilinear Higgs Coupling
19.10.2017 Christian Bauer LBNL, UC Berkeley Electroweak correction at very high energies
26.10.2017 Martin Bauer U Heidelberg Search Strategies for Light (and Heavy) New Physics
09.11.2017 Ties Behnke DESY Physics at ee Colliders
16.11.2017 Stefan Söldner-Rembold U of Manchester Neutrino Physics: Present and Future Experiments
07.12.2017 Pier Francesco Monni CERN Resummation for jet observables at lepton colliders
14.12.2017 Iris Gebauer KIT What's up with Galactic Cosmic Rays?
21.12.2017 Marc Schumann U Freiburg Dark Matter - the XENON Perspective
11.01.2017 Matthew McCullough CERN The Hierarchy Problem, Clockworking and the Power Spectrum of the LHC
18.01.2018 Ian Low ANL, Northwestern U The Higgs Boson: Then, Now and the Future
25.01.2018 Jens Osterhoff DESY Plasma-Based Accelerators
01.02.2018 Claude Duhr UC Louvain, CERN From Pure Mathematics to Precision Physics: Modern Approaches to Scattering Amplitudes
08.02.2018 Joshua Ruderman New York U New Physics in Standard Model Tails
19.04.2018 Kristof De Bruyn CERN Flavour anomalies: What’s cooking in rare and semileptonic B decays?
03.05.2018 Bernhard Mistlberger CERN Precision predictions for Higgs boson phenomenology
17.05.2018 Felix Kahlhöfer RWTH Aachen Fantastic WIMPs and Where to Find Them
07.06.2018 Qaisar Shafi U of Delaware Dark Matter, Gravity Waves and Proton Decay
14.06.2018 Pilar Hernández U of Valencia Towards a standard model with massive neutrinos
21.06.2018 Chris Neu U of Virginia Top physics at the LHC
28.06.2018 Matthias Smith U Pisa Muon g-2: Implementation and Status
05.07.2018 Caterina Vernieri FNAL The Beauty of the Higgs boson
12.07.2018 Gino Isidori U Zürich Hints of physics beyond the Standard Model in the flavor sector
25.10.2018 Ramona Gröber HU Berlin Top quark mass effects in gluon fusion processes
08.11.2018 Marco Incagli INFN Pisa The muon magnetic moment as a window to new physics
15.11.2018 Teppei Katori Queen Mary U of London Observation of a Significant Excess of Electron-Like Events in the MiniBooNE Short-Baseline Neutrino Experiment
22.11.2018 Elisabetta Furlan ETH Zürich Recent progress in precision Higgs physics
29.11.2018 Stephan Huber U of Sussex Gravitational waves from first order phase transitions
06.12.2018 Christopher Palmer Princeton U Observation of the Higgs boson decaying to bottom quarks in CMS
13.12.2018 Valentin Khoze Durham U High-Energy Higgsplosion
10.01.2019 Maria Ubiali Cambridge U New frontiers in the determination of the structure of the proton
17.01.2019 Katharina von Sturm INFN Padova Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay and the Gerda Experiment
24.01.2019 Frank Tackmann DESY Soft-Collinear Effective Theory for the Impatient
31.01.2019 Robert Harlander RWTH Aachen Physics and Philosophy
07.02.2019 Giulia Zanderighi MPI für Physik München Precision at the LHC: if, why and how
25.04.2019 Uta Klein U of Liverpool Electrons for the LHC
23.05.2019 Roger Wolf KIT From the analysis of the observed Higgs coupling structure to the search for more Higgs bosons
06.06.2019 Maria Cepeda Hermida CIEMAT Madrid Precision Higgs physics at the HL-LHC and beyond
13.06.2019 Dominik Stöckinger TU Dresden Muon g-2: theory and experiment
27.06.2019 Thomas Konstandin DESY Implications of cosmological phase transitions
04.07.2019 Béla Majorovits MPI für Physik München The Search for Dark Matter Axions and ALPs
11.07.2019 André Hoang U Wien What is the top quark mass?
18.07.2019 Werner Porod U Würzburg Status of supersymmetry
25.07.2019 Valerie Domcke DESY Gravitational waves - challenges and opportunities

