Vortragsfolien Bad Herrenalb 2018
Dr. Luca Malgeri (CERN): LHC Physics and prospects (an experimentalist point of view)
Dr. Gudrun Heinrich (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik München): Pushing the Precision Frontier in Collider Physics 1
Pushing the Precision Frontier in Collider Physics 2
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Kasieczka (Universität Hamburg): Machine Learning in Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmalian (KIT): Electron correlations in graphene: from hydrodynamic electron flow to superconductivity
Vorträge der Kollegiaten
1. Marco Bonetti (TTP): Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Higgs gluon fusion
2. Karim El Morabit (ETP): Search for associated tt̄H production at the CMS experiment
3. Florian Herren (TTP): Running, Decoupling and Higgs physics
4. Ansar Iqbal (ETP): Search for anomalous diboson production in semileptonic WW and WZ decays using the CMS experiment
5. Marcel Krause (ITP): Corrections to 2HDM Higgs Decays with 2HDECAY
6. Denise Müller (ETP): Search for s-channel single top quark production at the CMS experiment
7. Andreas Pargner (IKP): Formation and Evolution of Axion Minicluster
8. Carsten Röttele (ETP): Deuterium and tritium retention measurements in the KATRIN beam line
9. Daniel Schell (ETP): Design and Qualification of a Macro Pixel Sensor for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Tracker