Dr. Wolfgang Noll
- Doktorand
- Gruppe: TTP
- Raum: 11/18
- Tel.: +49 (0)721 608 - 47023
- wolfgang noll ∂ kit edu
Betreuer der Doktorarbeit: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Nierste
- Forschungsthema:Das Flavour-Problem in Links-Rechts-Symmetrischen Modellen
- Typ:Diplomarbeit
- Datum:Juni 2011 - Juni 2012
- Betreuung:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Nierste
Memorizing, reading and working strategies | Erika Magyarosi |
23./24.03.2015 |
What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry? | Dr. Udo Erdmann Fa. Tiber |
19.03.2015 |
Scientific Presentation | Erika Magyarosi |
09./11.04.2014 |
Introduction and use of Rasberry PI | Dr. Hermann-Josef Mathes |
04.04.2014 |
Applying Python in Scientific Computing | Dr. Benjamin Fuchs |
01.04.2014 |
Managment in enterprises and industry | Dr. Udo Erdmann Fa. Tiber |
07./09.10.2013 |
The long journey to the Higgs Boson and beyond at the LHC | Dr. Peter Jenni University of Freiburg |
15.10.2013 |
Data analysis and statistics for the theoretician | Prof. Roger Barlow University of Huddersfield |
11.10.2013 |
Electroweak symmetry breaking in the SM and beyond | Prof. Stefan Pokorski University of Warsaw |
07./08./11./14./15.11.2013 |
Unitary Methods for one-loop calculations | Prof. Kirill Melnikov Johns Hopkins University, KIT Distinguished Research Fellow |
13./14./20./21.12.2012 |
Zuoz Summerschool 2014 | More than Higgs - Effective Theories for Particle Physics |
Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland |
Flavorful Ways to New Physics | Freudenstadt |
28.-31.10.2014 |
B-Physik Workshop | Neckarzimmern |
22.-24.02.2012 |
GK Workshop | Bad Liebenzell |
08.-10.10.2012 |
GK PhD-Workshop | Althuette |
10.-12.12.2012 |