Dr. Nils Braun
- Tracking and High-Level-Trigger for the Belle II Experiment
- Belle II
- Gruppe: ETP
- Raum: 9-22
- Tel.: +49 721 608-43418
- nils braun ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Titel | Journal | Datum | Autor |
The Belle II Core Software | Computing and Software for Big Science 3 no. 1, (Dec, 2018) |
2018 | T. Kuhr, C. Pulvermacher, M. Ritter, T. Hauth, and N. Braun |
Track reconstruction at LHC as a collaborative data challenge use case with RAMP | EPJ Web of Conferences 150 (Aug, 2017) 00015 |
2017 | S. Amrouche, N. Braun, P. Calafiura, S. Farrell, J. Gemmler, C. Germain, V. V. Gligorov, T. Golling, H. Gray, I. Guyon, M. Hushchyn, V. Innocente, B. Kégl, S. Neuhaus, D. Rousseau, A. Salzburger, A. Ustyuzhanin, J.-R. Vlimant, C. Wessel, and Y. Yilmaz |
The track finding algorithm of the Belle II vertex detectors | EPJ Web of Conferences 150 (Aug, 2017) 00007 |
2017 | T. Bilka, N. Braun, G. Casarosa, O. Frost, R. Frühwirth, T. Hauth, M. Heck, J. Kandra, P. Kodys, P. Kvasnicka, J. Lettenbichler, T. Lück, T. Madlener, F. Metzner, M. Nadler, B. Oberhof, E. Paoloni, M. Prim, M. Ritter, T. Schlüter, M. Schnell, B. Spruck, V. Trusov, J. Wagner, C. Wessel, and M. Ziegler |
Migrating the Belle II collaborative services and tools | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 898 no. 10, (Oct, 2017) 102014. |
2017 | N. Braun, D. Dossett, M. Dramburg, O. Frost, A. Gellrich, J. Grygier, T. Hauth, D. Jahnke-Zumbusch, D. Knittel, T. Kuhr, S. Levonian, H.-G. Moser, L. Li, N. Nakao, M. Prim, P. v. d. Reest, F. Schwenssen, P. Urquijo, and B. Vennemann |
An Interactive and Comprehensive Working Environment for High-Energy Physics Software with Python and Jupyter Notebooks | J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 898 072020 (2017)
2017 | Nils Braun, Thomas Hauth, Christian Pulvermacher und Martin Ritter
Radiation emitted by transverse-gradient undulators | Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 19, 090704 (2016)
2016 | Axel Bernhard, Nils Braun, Verónica Afonso RodrÃguez, Michael Scheer, Peter Peiffer, Robert Rossmanith und Christina Widmann
OpenTOSCA for the 4th Industrial Revolution: Automating the Provisioning of Analytics Tools based on Apache Flink | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 179-180
2016 | Michael Falkenthal, Uwe Breitenbücher, Kalman Kepes, Frank Leymann, Michael Zimmermann, Maximilian Christ, Julius Neuffer, Nils Braun, Andreas W. Kempa-Liehr
Beam Transport System from a Laser Wakefield Accelerator to a Transverse Gradient Undulato | Proceedings of the International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC 2014
2014 | Christina Widmann, Veronica Afonso Rodriguez, Axel Bernhard, Nils Braun, Anke-Susanne Müller, Alexander Papash, Robert Rossmanith, Walter Werner, Malte Kaluza, Maria Reuter Maria Nicolai, Alexander Sävert
Titel | Tagung | Autoren | Tagungsort | Datum |
Tracking Algorithms in the Belle II Drift Chamber | Connecting The Dots / Intelligent Trackers |
N. Braun et al |
Seattle |
2018 |
Time series feature extraction with tsfresh | PyCon.DE 2017
N. Braun et al.
Karlsruhe |
25.10. - 29.10.2017
Hadron Spectroscopy studies at Belle II | International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2017)
N. Braun
Tlaxcala, Mexico |
11.09. - 15.09.2017
Entwicklung und Studie des softwaregestützten High-Level-Triggers für das Belle II Experiment | DPG-Frühjahrestagung
N. Braun et al.
27.03. - 31.03.2017
Fast and reliable Tracking for the High-Level-Trigger at Belle II | Connecting The Dots / Intelligent Trackers 2017 |
N. Braun, T. Hauth
Paris |
06.03. - 09.03.2017
Level3 and HLT performance | 24. Belle II General Meeting
N. Braun et al.
Tsukuba |
20.06. - 24.06.2016
Spurrekonstruktion mithilfe multivariater Methoden am Belle II-Experiment | DPG-Frühjahrestagung
N. Braun et al.
29.02. - 04.03.2016
Qualitätssicherung für die Spurrekonstruktion am Belle II-Experiment | DPG-Frühjahrestagung |
N. Braun et al
09. - 13.03.2015
Simulation der Strahlung von Elektronen in einem zylindrischen TG-Undulator | DPG-Frühjahrestagung |
N. Braun et al. |
Dresdem |
30.03 - 04.04.2014 |