Dr. Andreas Kornmayer
- Promotionsthema: Studium des Ansprechverhaltens von Pixeldetektorprototypen für das CMS-Experiment bei hohen Kollisionsraten
- Gruppe: EKP
- Raum: CERN 598 R-21
- Tel.: +41 22 76 74668
- andreas kornmayer ∂does-not-exist.cern ch
- Forschungsthema:Untersuchungen zur Signalkopplung an neuartigen Siliziumstreifensensorgeometrien
- Datum:30.6.2011
- Betreuung:
- Links:Diplomarbeit
Titel | Tagung | Tagungsort | Datum | Seite |
A High Rate Test Beam for the Phase 1 Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector |
CMS Upgrade Workshop at DESY |
Hamburg, Germany |
03.06.2013 - 07.06.2013 |
Poster |
A pixelated particle tracking telescope for highest rates | 3rd EIROforum School on Instrumentation | CERN, Switzerland | 27.05.2013 - 31.05.2013 | Poster |
High Intensity Beam Test |
CMS Phase 1 Upgrade Workshop 2012 |
Grindelwald, Switzerland |
30.08.2012 |
Status of the preparations for the high rate beam test |
Pixel Upgrade Plenary |
CERN, Switzerland |
18.07.2012 |
A High Rate Test Beam for the Phase 1 Read Out Chip (ROC) |
Coffee Seminar of the CMX group @ CERN |
CERN, Switzerland |
05.04.2013 |