GRK 1694: Elementarteilchenphysik bei höchster Energie und höchster Präzision

Vortragsfolien Bad Liebenzell 2014



Vorlesungen und Abendvorträge


Dr. Isabelle Melzer-Pellmann, DESY Hamburg: SUSY Searches at the LHC

                                                                         SUSY Searches at the LHC

                                                                         SUSY Searches at the LHC


Prof. Dr. Bryan Webber, University of Cambridge : QCD and event generation for the LHC 

                                                                                 QCD and event generation for the LHC

                                                                                 QCD and event generation for the LHC

Dr. Klaus Rabbertz, KIT Karlsruhe : Jet Measurements at the LHC

                                                         Jet Measurements at the LHC

Dr. Olaf Wollersheim, KIT Karlsruhe : Physik und Wirtschaftlichkeit von elektrischen Speichern in mobilen und stationären Anwendungen

Prof. Dr. Kirill Melnikov, KIT Karlsruhe: Topics in Quantum Field theory and LHC phenomenology




Vorträge der Kollegiaten


  1.  Christian Böser (EKP): Search for H -> bb in association with single top quarks as a test of Higgs boson couplings
  2.  Felix Frensch (EKP): Search for Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model in di-tau final states
  3.  Philipp Frings (TTP): Penguin Pollution in the Decays B^0-> J/psi K^0 and B^0_s -> J/psi phi
  4.  Andreas Heller (EKP): Analysis of the decay of a B meson to a lepton, a neutrino and a photon at Belle
  5.  Maik Höschele (TTP): Phase Space Master Integrals for Higgs Production in Gluon Fusion
  6.  Manuel Kambeitz (EKP):  Study of orbitally excited B mesons and evidence for a new Bπ resonance
  7.  Alexander Kurz (TTP): Hadronic and leptonic corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
  8.  Valerio Vagelli (EKP): The cosmic electron and positron flux measurement with the AMS-02 experiment
  9. Alexander Wlotzka (ITP): Light Stop Decays