The CERN turned 70

Hundreds of scientists from all over the world work together at the famous Geneva research center CERN, which explores the world of the smallest particles. Numerous KIT researchers are also significantly involved in the discoveries of the so-called "world machine".
We celebrated CERN's 70th birthday from September 19 - 21, 2024 with a colorful program on particle and astroparticle physics for young and old:
Thursday, 19.09.2024, 7 p.m.
Open-air cinema "PARTICLE FEVER"
Movie on the discovery of the Higgs particle. Afterwards discussion with researchers from Karlsruhe.
(Language: English with German subtitles)
Friday, 20.09.2024, 5 p.m.
Particle physics in focus - basic research and its social relevance
In a panel discussion with high-ranking guests, the role of basic research for our society was highlighted and the (future) role of CERN was discussed.
Saturday, 21.09.2024, 12-15 h
FAMILY & FRIENDS: Discover the world of the smallest particles
Small experiments, information stands and living room talks - a family-friendly program in a relaxed atmosphere and with lots of fun.
Saturday, 21.09.2024, 7 p.m.
Late Night Show
STULLE - Wissenschaftlich belegt
Together with the "Days of Democracy" taking place at the same time, the late-night show STULLE focused on the freedom of science.
More information on the website of the Triangle.