The EFFEKTE 2015 science festival has now come to a successful close.
You will find our review here.
The Offers of KCETA
- Discover astro and elementary particles yourself at the KCETA information stand
- Participation for students: Kids & Kosmos
- Let yourself be attacked (with small experiments): Guerrilla Physics
- Art meets particle physics: "Art of Science - Beauty in Creation"
- "Huge experiments for small particles"
- The giant scale for the lightest particle: Visits to the KATRIN large-scale experiment
We participate live in five large-scale experiments: Wissenschaft live
Fascinating from the smallest particles: Lectures
Open Day June 27, 2015
KCETA information stand
Search for elementary and astroparticles in small experiments, visit an octocopter and inform yourself about the manifold participation of KCETA in international large-scale experiments for the study of elementary and astroparticles.
Kids & Kosmos - Science rally for children and young people
Target group: Pupils (6 - 19 years)
Exciting journey of discovery for children: immerse yourself in the vastness of the universe with its shining stars, distant galaxies and invisible particles.
If you have exciting questions, you are welcome to send them to kids-und-kosmos ∂does-not-exist.kit edu, maybe we can find an answer together!
Guerilla Physics
Physics is everywhere, but sometimes it takes some stimulation to perceive it. Scientists carry out small physical experiments on the street and encourage passers-by to take part - "guerrilla physics" surprises and makes them think.
Art meets particle physics: "Art of Science - Beauty in Creation"
Exhibition: Saturday 27 June - Saturday 11 July
Opening: Friday 26 June, 6 pm
Location: CFN Foyer (building 30.25)
Accompanying lecture: Saturday 27 June, 11 a.m., Mathematics Building (Building 20.30)
The extraordinary art exhibition "Art of Science - Beauty in Creation" documents the creative connection between art and particle physics. Works by the physicist and artist Michael Hoch and some of his international artist colleagues of the art@CMS initiative, which were created in close cooperation with their scientific partners of the CMS Collaboration, will be shown. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the largest and most complex scientific experiments in which KCETA scientists are significantly involved.
"Huge experiments for small particles"
Exhibition 20 June - 4 July daily from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Location: Foyer Gaede Lecture Hall ground floor and 1st floor (building 30.22)
The KIT Center for Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) presents its research topics and large-scale experiments, which can be found in very different parts of the world. Parts of the experiments are exhibited in (almost) actual size.
Visits to the KATRIN large-scale experiment
Monday, 29.06.2015 and Wednesday 01.07.2015 at KIT Campus-Nord, 16 - 17:00 hrs each
Meeting point for both dates:
- KIT Campus-Süd, Student Center (building 30.81), 3:25 pm
- KIT Campus North, South Gate, 15:55 hrs
Registration required via visit ∂does-not-exist.katrin kit edu, maximum number of participants: 20
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment KATRIN will for the first time be able to measure the mass of the electron-neutral - an elementary particle that is more than ten billion times lighter than a hydrogen atom. The international experiment, which is currently being set up at KIT by more than a hundred scientists and engineers from five countries, uses electrons from the ß-decay of tritium. KATRIN is 70 meters long and consists of two main components: A high-intensity gaseous tritium source to generate electrons and a system of two spectrometers to determine their energy. The heart of the system is the main spectrometer with a length of 24 meters and a diameter of 10 meters. In this spectrometer, the energy of the electrons generated during tritium decay will be measured with unprecedented accuracy. For this purpose, the tank must be connected to an extremely stable high voltage of 18,600 volts. In order to carry out this measurement process without interference, an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) of 10-11 mbar must be generated in the spectrometer tank. With an internal surface area of more than 1000 m2 and a volume of 1240 m3, KATRIN has one of the world's largest UHV tanks ever built.
"Wissenschaft live"
Target group: young people and adults
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 19:00 hrs
Place: NTI auditorium (building 30.10)
Be with us when we go live to the control rooms of major international experiments. Scientists from all over the world explain how to "control" their large-scale experiment and it is possible to discuss it live with the scientists on site. Watch the scientists at work live over their shoulders.
Saturday 20 June 10.00 - 11.30
Gaede-Lecture Hall (building 30.22)
Neutrinos - Key to the Universe (Dr. Susanne Mertens)
Lecture accompanying the exhibition "Art of Science - Beauty in Creation" (Dr. Michael Hoch, CERN)
Saturday 27 June 11.00 (at the open day), mathematics building (building 20.30)
"Particles and Universe"
Sunday 28 June 19.00 - 21.00
Lehmann auditorium (building 30.22)
19:00: Fascination between Quarks and Cosmos (Prof. Johannes Blümer)
20:00: How to "see" elementary particles (Prof. Ulrich Husemann)
Tracking down the great mysteries of astroparticle physics
Monday 29 June 19.00 - 21.00
Lehmann auditorium (building 30.22)
19:00 Uhr: Black holes and cosmic particles (Dr. Ralph Engel)
20:00 Uhr: The search for dark matter (Dr. Klaus Eitel)
Higgs - or how particles get to their mass
Wednesday 1 July 19.00 - 21.00
Lehmann auditorium (building 30.22)
19:00 Uhr: The discovery of the Higgs particle or how particles get their mass (Prof. Margarete Mühlleitner)
20:00 Uhr: From the Big Bang in the laboratory to the Higgs particle (Prof. Thomas Müller)
"Physik am Samstag"
Saturday 4 July 10.00 - 11.30
Gaede-Lecture Hall (building 30.22)
A particle detector on the International Space Station:
Search for Dark Matter with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 02 (Dr. Iris Gebauer)
The image of the universe comes from Karlsruhe
Tuesday 15 September 19.30 - 21.00
Pavilion in the Schloßgarten
Fascination between quarks and cosmos (Prof. J. Blümer)
On the trail of cosmic superaccelerators (Dr. R. Engel)
The search for dark matter (N. Foerster)
General Overview EFFEKTE for all institutions involved